Recently I had gone to a hospital with my mom to visit a sick relative of ours. After exchanging some pleasantries with me she became engrossed chatting with my mom. I decided to leave both of them alone and went for a walk in the adjoining garden which thankfully was maintained very well. I went and sat on a concrete bench besides a small tree bearing tiny but beautiful purple flowers and started listening to Akon singing about.
Just then a young kid all tired from play and out of breath approached me. He looked at me and with great excitement said “look what I have found”. I looked at his muddied hands and at the half dried rose that lay in it. I faked a smile and leaned back my head on the bench hoping that he would go away.
But instead of going away he sat next to me and placing the flower on his nose enthusiastically chimed “It smells great, see how beautiful it is. Here I picked it for you”. Thinking that at least after I take it he will go away I decided to accept it. I reached my hand forward and said “Thanks yaar, it looks great”. But instead of placing the rose in my hands he just held it in thin air.
And then it HIT me, it HIT me BIG TIME. THE KID WAS BLIND.
I heard my voice quiver and could see the tears shining in the setting evening sun as I thanked him for picking such a beautiful rose. “You’re welcome” he smiled and scrambled off to play in the garden totally unaware of the crater that he had made in my heart ……
As I sat there in the garden I pondered how we all move and live in this beautiful world like we are blind. Silently offering a prayer to the almighty for sending this little angel who opened my eyes I wondered that perhaps he was the one who was blessed with the true sight .I silently vowed to see and appreciate the beauty that lies hidden in every corner of this world as we go about our busy days.
I took the dried, wilted rose to my nose and breathed in the sweet essence and smiled as I watched that young kid with another weed in his hand about to change the life of an unsuspecting old patient sitting forlornly some distance away.
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