Steve Jobs, the brilliant individual who gave the world so much these past few decades, passed away on the 5th of this month.
Plenty of people around the world used to wish they were Steve Jobs, a multi-billionaire who loved his work so much he worked for Apple for free.
Steve Jobs was only 56 when he died on that 5th afternoon. Even with his billions and the power and recognition, 56 years was all he got out of this life.
What was I doing that afternoon when Steve Jobs died? Playing with my 16 days old daughter who lay snuggly and quite innocently in my arms. As I tried my best to keep her from crying and rocked her to sleep something I had read ages ago floated into my mind: "The only thing that matters is the time you spend with your family and with your friends. Everything else is useless."
Would I want to be Steve Jobs? Quite tempting I admit but no thank you. I'm very thankful to be myself and still be here today to be playing with my kid and writing this.
While you're at it read Steve Job's address to the Stanford graduating class of 2005. He has a lot to say about what's really important in life.
The main thing he shared was that every morning he makes sure that he's happy about what he's going to be doing that day. If he's not happy for a few days in a row, he does something to change it. Life's too short to waste it doing something that sucks. That means if you don't like your job, quit. Just walk out right now. You won't spend the effort to do better if you're still spending your time at a job you hate when you should be spending that time looking for something better. And guess what: working for someone else isn't the way.
We will become and can do anything we choose to imagine, but we have to use our imagination and not waste our minds watching TV, YouTube, surfing or working for someone else instead. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.