After almost three days of holding parts of the city ransom, after the loss of around 300 innocent lives, injuring many people from all walks
of life and engaging in a fierce gun battle first with the Mumbai Police and their Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) and then with the Marine Commandos (MARCOS), and finally with the Indian Army’s Elite National Security Guard (NSG) commandos, the operation finally came to an end when the last
of terrorist holed up in the Taj was killed. What ended at the Taj were more then 160 lives and much beautiful property. The Taj is the pride of the city temporary home to visitors ranging from world leaders to rock stars. Welcoming guests from around the world .At the time of the attack there were Israeli, German, American, British, Japanese, Canadian, Pilipino, Italian, Omani and Chinese nationalities present in the Hotel.
Mumbai came under an unprecedented and dastardly night attack on Wednesday 26th
November as terrorists used heavy duty machine guns including AK47 and grenades to strike at the city’s most high profile targets CST (formerly VT)rail terminus, the much loved five star hotel Taj at gate way and the Oberoi at Nariman point ,hospitals and a popular café frequented by western tourists. The ferocious cruelty and unprecedented nature of the terror strikes in Mumbai pointed to a daring and meticulously planed operation.
After Fifty hours of pitched gun battle at the Taj, a nerve wracking search-and-rescue operation and the death of two of its men in the line of duty, as the dust settles on Mumbai’s tryst with terror the National Security Guards (NSG) or the black cats as they are called because of their trademark black uniform and
balaclavas- once again showed why they are considered the country’s most elite commando force. These are the brave men in uniform who finally ended the terrorist’s bloody march. When asked by reporter weather he is relieved that it’s over a NSG commando replied smilingly “yeh saab toh humareliye kuch naya nahin hai” just another day at work?
How does a democracy of a billion plus people respond when a few madmen tear the heart out of its financial capital and shatter its soul? The question has to be asked because it is only adversity of such staggering magnitude that shakes up slumbering nations to turn it into opportunity. It is time therefore to close rank, unite and focus on the greatest threat of our generation, perpetrators of which have benefited from the religion and caste based politics that our politicians practice. Nothing can guarantee that few men intent on killing as many people as possible, and themselves in the process

Mumbai came under an unprecedented and dastardly night attack on Wednesday 26th
November as terrorists used heavy duty machine guns including AK47 and grenades to strike at the city’s most high profile targets CST (formerly VT)rail terminus, the much loved five star hotel Taj at gate way and the Oberoi at Nariman point ,hospitals and a popular café frequented by western tourists. The ferocious cruelty and unprecedented nature of the terror strikes in Mumbai pointed to a daring and meticulously planed operation.
After Fifty hours of pitched gun battle at the Taj, a nerve wracking search-and-rescue operation and the death of two of its men in the line of duty, as the dust settles on Mumbai’s tryst with terror the National Security Guards (NSG) or the black cats as they are called because of their trademark black uniform and

How does a democracy of a billion plus people respond when a few madmen tear the heart out of its financial capital and shatter its soul? The question has to be asked because it is only adversity of such staggering magnitude that shakes up slumbering nations to turn it into opportunity. It is time therefore to close rank, unite and focus on the greatest threat of our generation, perpetrators of which have benefited from the religion and caste based politics that our politicians practice. Nothing can guarantee that few men intent on killing as many people as possible, and themselves in the process

India is on trial here .Not just India but Bharat as well. But who’s India? India of the secularist or of the Hindutva believer? Of the Akalis or of the Sikhs or of the Buddhists? Of the Christians of Orissa and kerala and Karnataka or their killers? Of the Dalit or the OBC or the Brahmins and Thakurs? Of the Gujjars and Meenas and the Marathi Manoos or the migrants from Bihar and UP who roam the country for their livelihood because their corrupt polity? Are we, the electorate of the “largest democracy on earth” going to just exist as vote bank for corrupt politicians? Are we so fragile so easily manipulated by anybody and everybody? Are we the common man of this great nation to be so defenseless and so mercifully left out on the open to die and suffer from the hands of some madmen while our politicians roam around in their z plus security and who seem to breathe a rarefied air? Who in the whole politics of India today can claim to speak for ALL of India? Sadly and very regretfully not a single person or even not even a single party. There seem to be no longer a Mahatma or a Jayprakash Narayan or Jawaharlal Nehru who can accommodate the feelings, aspirations, pains, the diversity, the sheer magnitude of this great nation of ours. No leader of such a stature whose voice can be heard across the length and breath of our vast country. If a tragedy of such huge proportions fails to bring us together then we have no right to call ourselves a great nation. Can we give our unreserved support to those who are fighting at the risk of their lives in our security services? Can our politicians wake up from their constant bickering and selfishness to come together for the nation? In a country where safety has become a joke I hope politicians go beyond their usual “cabinet meetings and talks and committees” to do something more concrete.
I was in a roller coaster of emotions –anger, fear, sadness and frustration. Anger at the ineptness and hypocrisy of our politician’s. Apart from taking immense pride in India’s democracy we the common people have been absent from any political activism. We have left it to the grubby politicians the knowingly corrupt money grabbing tribe who has left the police under equipped and ill trained. Its they who under-funded the fire brigade that there was only enough water pressure to reach the fifth floor of the Taj. Its they who bullied the police and abused the ATS .The biggest danger now is the slide back into politics as usual. India is unique and it needs a politics to value it .Those that died over the 60 bloody hours deserve no less.
Just a few days before the attack the main opposition party in the central government was aggressively campaigning against the ATS and virtually running a propaganda drive to condemn its chief Mr. Hemant karkare as an anti-Hindu and anti-national officer. Karkare who was known for his upright character and courage as well for his patriotism and who had a long experience in RAW and who strongly believed that terrorism has no colour and creed worked tirelessly and arrested those who were engaged in terrorist acts irrespective of faith .After the death of this brave patriot the chief minister of Gujarat who belongs to the same opposition party which is there at the centre and who doesn’t leave any chance to politicize any terror attack elsewhere other than his own state went to this officers house,inspite of being told by the officers family THRICE yes THRICE that they had no wish to meet anyone , just to make a big tamasha and draw some political capital and announced a cash reward of one crore Rupees .Till a few days ago the party which was lambasting the ATS chief on communal and patriotic lines sends this fellow to the officers home to offer help!!! What can be a higher hypocrisy??? Mr. Chief Minister thank you for your one crore but no thank you please take that money and give it to the Godhra riot victims who have suffered so much and buy some boats to patrol the coastal waters near Pakistan from where the terrorists came .We aren’t fooled by your vote gathering schemes.
But there is hope and pride too as stories of extraordinary heroism by ordinary folks emerge. The announcer at CST station Mr.VD Zende who when two gunmen entered (CST) on Wednesday night and started firing indiscriminately at the people kept his cool and without even wasting a single moment started making announcements alerting people and cops about the firing. He was also constantly alerting the GRP and RPF and informed them about the firing without panicking doing his job effectively thus reducing casualties
Or the South African cricket teams security personnel who took frightened and confused guests out of the hotel. Or the staff at the Taj who went beyond the call of their duty. The sort of service was unnecessary perhaps but it was provided by people whose friends and colleagues were lying dead within meters of where they were and whose own lives were hanging by the thread . I know many of these young guys working in the Taj.Their job is not about procedures its about pride in your job ,pride in the organization you serve and a great satisfaction and belief that come what may your first priority are the guests and that you perform your duty even when its neither demanded nor expected. They might be trained to perform the meekest of service, deliver an ice bucket, and endure rude guests shouting at them for no reason and who are mostly treated with great indifference as if they do not exist as if they weren’t persons at all but now we all know that they were the real heroes
But unfortunately there are far too many stories of sadness, what with so many innocent lives lost so brutally and cruelly .They did not have to die .There will be anger there will be calls for revenge and sadly but surely there will be politics .Instead of coming together as a nation some of our politicians will try and divide us based on our religion, caste, creed, and even the state from where we come from .I really dread, I really really dread, just thinking how various political parties will now use this tragedy to further their careers My pain has been at the sight and plight of my innocent ,vulnerable and completely insecure countrymen facing the wrath of this terror attack and my wrath has been at the complete lack of the authorities that have been ordained to protect us.
Some of the Brave martyrs who laid down their lives in and FOR Mumbai –
ATS Chief Hemant karkare

The last days of Maharahstra anti terrorism squad (ATS) Chief Hemant karkare were probably some of the busiest in his 26 year career in the IPS.Today the entire force from IPS to the constabulary recall

Major Sandeep Unikrishnan

Death is something every soldier has to make a pact with but that doesn’t lessen the suffering of the families who lose their loved ones in the line of duty .One Bangalore family’s saddest thoughts will always be entwined with terror in Mumbai .On Friday Major Sandeep Unikrishnan (31) of the NSG

Senior Inspector Vijay salaskar

No probes no allegations no criminal cases against him .Senior Inspector Vijay salaskar never knew what fear was, this in fact was a trait he shared with many of the 450-odd officers from the 1983 batch of the Maharashtra police. The mere n

ACP Ashok Kamte

On Thursday I saw a boy’s silhouette on TV as he performed the last rites of his fathe
r a father every son would be proud of. ACP Ashok Kamte is no more with the Maharashtra police leavin
g it poorer. A king size life replete with tennis, beret, golden retriever, gym guns and action had a sudden tryst with martyrdom. A kind man with pleasant personality and awesome biceps, a family man who called up his wife at least ten times in a single day everyday and who never gave a second thought to walking into a card shop in uniform and buying a valentine day’s card
for her. For many police officials and contemporaries of. Ashok Kamte ACP east region the death of the upright officer is not just a personal loss but devastation to the Mumbai police force itself. On the day that he died he had called one of the policemen at his house to enquire about a wound he had on his leg. When he came to know the treatment would cost Rs.1500 he gave him the amount and told him not to neglect the injury. At every posting this officer who was without a trace of malice or did not say a bad word about anyone made a few friends who became friends for life.
A third generation policeman –his great grandfather was in the police force his grandfather was the first Indian to rise to the rank of the police chief (Inspector General in the Imperial Police of Bombay) and his father was a colonel in the Army. For his daredevilry Kamte was even profiled by the Mans World magazine. Batch mates also fondly remember him as a fitness freak who carried with him loads of gym equipment wherever he was transferred. He was a power lifter and a body builder who had broken three national records in power lifting and won half a dozen gold and silver medals. He had also won a bronze medal in the junior world power lifting championship. An awe inspiring personality he had a penchant to remain fit at any cost. He even excelled in swimming.
A 1989 batch IPS officer of the Maharashtra cadre Kamte was first posted as additional superintendent of police (ASP) of a naxal prone district. He also served in various places as superintend and DCP in Mumbai before being presently posted. He was also the deputy inspector general of the states ATS training school f
or a short period and was part of the UN mission posted in Bosnia. He was an avid dog lover and had two Golden Retrievers in his Pune house and two basset hounds with him at Chembur where he stayed.
During a communal riot in the interior of Mharashtra he led the lathi charge .The final tally – zero casualty, 112 fractures and no complaints. Interestingly the people of the place simply loved him thereafter. The crowds would flock to catch a glimpse of this imposing and impressive personality whenever he was in the vicinity. His constables saved his pictures on their mobiles for the motivation he provided them. He was a rare officer who even had a fan following. The AK (Ashok Kamte) Fan Club of Solapur had called a bandh to pay homage to their hero.
But beyond all these qualities what stood out most were the man’s undeniable valor, courage and integrity as a police officer that never buckled ever in the face of politicians.
This fearlessness intent of duty made him a hero of Solapur, a city he was called upon to handle as CP at a critical time in 2005.He famously bet a three time MLA for not adhering to time limit for bursting crackers .People turned out in large numbers threatening to immolate themselves if he was transferred out.
Assistant Sub Inspector Tukaram Omble
Tukaram Omble who was asked by his senior to take up position on marine drive on Wednesday after news of the firing met the two terrorist one of whom was captured due to this brave officers. Both the terrorists were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and hand grenades while this assistant sub-inspector (ASI) carried just a walkie-talkie. There was no way he could have survived the encounter but before dying he ensured that they did not harm anyone else by not letting go of the AK47 even as the terrorist kept pumping bullets in his stomach .He also ensured at least one of the terrorist was caught alive .
Havaladar Gajendra Singh Bisht
The tiny village of Ganeshpur turned out in full strength to bid adieu to its hero Havaladar Gajendra singh bisht the national security guard commando who died fighting terrorists in Mumbai. His mortal remains were consigned to the flames with full military honors on Saturday afternoon with more then a thousand people from his own and the adjoining villages participating in it.
General Manager Karambir kang
On of the saddest stories of the savage siege at the Taj hotel was that of its General Manager karambir kang whose bubbly and chirpy wife Neeti and children (two sons who were 12 year old Uday –who was in cathedral school and six year old Samay) were burnt to death even as he worked tirelessly through the night and the next day to evacuate the hotels guests to safety. In a matter of a day the staff of this century old hotel have seen the interiors gutted the delicate wood work smashed the art panels damaged and the soaring dome entombed in angry black smoke, but they have also seen far worse .Chefs shot in the kitchens, staff and colleagues gunned down and their general manager bereaved in so bitter and sad a way.
Jordan Fernandes
Jordan Fernandes’s dreams to work in a luxurious hotel in the united kingdom were shattered on Wednesday after he was shot dead by terrorists at Kandhar an Indian restaurant in Oberoi .Jordan whom I personally knew and who was employed as a assistant steward was buried on Saturday 29 November, at the Mother of god church burial ground in Naigaon amongst hundreds who turned up to pay homage to this jovial fellow .Jordan who was on duty with some colleagues was serving guests when they heard gunshots.As they attempted to run a guest stopped him and requested Jordan to bring a important file that he had left behind inside the restaurant .He and a colleague returned and started looking for the file when a terrorist came in and told Jordan to set the tablecloths on fire and to turn the gas controls on .when Jordan refused to do so the terrorist fired three shots at him from a point blank range .The terrorist then set the cloths on fire himself and asked Jordan’s colleague to take him to the elevator .Jordan was shot thrice ,one bullet entered through his neck and shattered his right eye . Jordan is survived by his elder brother and his parents. The most saddening part of this is that the day that he died was to be Jordan’s last working day in Oberai as he was to fly to UK on January 15.
Today I hold on to hope .Hope the striking difference between you and I .Because you had no hope you choose the path you did .Because I had hope I now have a choice to pick .My retribution to you and my resolution to your disease is in the choices I have made today .I choose love over hate knowledge over ignorance integration over isolation compassion over apathy construction over destruction and understanding over force .Just as you did not care if you survived as long as you created terror I too don’t care what becomes of you as long as I supplant this terror. In my last words to you I want you to know that even though you have been successful in victimizing an entire country you have failed because I along with millions of others will hold a kindled flame of hope .Just like only one of you could victimize an entire country it will take only one of us to destroy your disease, …but I am not alone the youth of India the frontier of the largest democracy on this planet is waking up .If its terror that has created you it is our humanity that will give you salvation. You will be given a fair trial by the very same country that you victimized,the taxes of the same people you so brutally killed will afford you a lawyer for your defense. You will be tried by an unbiased judge and in a impartial court and you will receive justice though you deserve none .This is the fuel of my hope ,this is the sanctity of my democracy this is the echelon of my people and this is the beauty of my country India .

A third generation policeman –his great grandfather was in the police force his grandfather was the first Indian to rise to the rank of the police chief (Inspector General in the Imperial Police of Bombay) and his father was a colonel in the Army. For his daredevilry Kamte was even profiled by the Mans World magazine. Batch mates also fondly remember him as a fitness freak who carried with him loads of gym equipment wherever he was transferred. He was a power lifter and a body builder who had broken three national records in power lifting and won half a dozen gold and silver medals. He had also won a bronze medal in the junior world power lifting championship. An awe inspiring personality he had a penchant to remain fit at any cost. He even excelled in swimming.
A 1989 batch IPS officer of the Maharashtra cadre Kamte was first posted as additional superintendent of police (ASP) of a naxal prone district. He also served in various places as superintend and DCP in Mumbai before being presently posted. He was also the deputy inspector general of the states ATS training school f

During a communal riot in the interior of Mharashtra he led the lathi charge .The final tally – zero casualty, 112 fractures and no complaints. Interestingly the people of the place simply loved him thereafter. The crowds would flock to catch a glimpse of this imposing and impressive personality whenever he was in the vicinity. His constables saved his pictures on their mobiles for the motivation he provided them. He was a rare officer who even had a fan following. The AK (Ashok Kamte) Fan Club of Solapur had called a bandh to pay homage to their hero.
But beyond all these qualities what stood out most were the man’s undeniable valor, courage and integrity as a police officer that never buckled ever in the face of politicians.
This fearlessness intent of duty made him a hero of Solapur, a city he was called upon to handle as CP at a critical time in 2005.He famously bet a three time MLA for not adhering to time limit for bursting crackers .People turned out in large numbers threatening to immolate themselves if he was transferred out.

Assistant Sub Inspector Tukaram Omble
Tukaram Omble who was asked by his senior to take up position on marine drive on Wednesday after news of the firing met the two terrorist one of whom was captured due to this brave officers. Both the terrorists were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles and hand grenades while this assistant sub-inspector (ASI) carried just a walkie-talkie. There was no way he could have survived the encounter but before dying he ensured that they did not harm anyone else by not letting go of the AK47 even as the terrorist kept pumping bullets in his stomach .He also ensured at least one of the terrorist was caught alive .
Havaladar Gajendra Singh Bisht

General Manager Karambir kang

On of the saddest stories of the savage siege at the Taj hotel was that of its General Manager karambir kang whose bubbly and chirpy wife Neeti and children (two sons who were 12 year old Uday –who was in cathedral school and six year old Samay) were burnt to death even as he worked tirelessly through the night and the next day to evacuate the hotels guests to safety. In a matter of a day the staff of this century old hotel have seen the interiors gutted the delicate wood work smashed the art panels damaged and the soaring dome entombed in angry black smoke, but they have also seen far worse .Chefs shot in the kitchens, staff and colleagues gunned down and their general manager bereaved in so bitter and sad a way.
Jordan Fernandes

Jordan Fernandes’s dreams to work in a luxurious hotel in the united kingdom were shattered on Wednesday after he was shot dead by terrorists at Kandhar an Indian restaurant in Oberoi .Jordan whom I personally knew and who was employed as a assistant steward was buried on Saturday 29 November, at the Mother of god church burial ground in Naigaon amongst hundreds who turned up to pay homage to this jovial fellow .Jordan who was on duty with some colleagues was serving guests when they heard gunshots.As they attempted to run a guest stopped him and requested Jordan to bring a important file that he had left behind inside the restaurant .He and a colleague returned and started looking for the file when a terrorist came in and told Jordan to set the tablecloths on fire and to turn the gas controls on .when Jordan refused to do so the terrorist fired three shots at him from a point blank range .The terrorist then set the cloths on fire himself and asked Jordan’s colleague to take him to the elevator .Jordan was shot thrice ,one bullet entered through his neck and shattered his right eye . Jordan is survived by his elder brother and his parents. The most saddening part of this is that the day that he died was to be Jordan’s last working day in Oberai as he was to fly to UK on January 15.
Today I hold on to hope .Hope the striking difference between you and I .Because you had no hope you choose the path you did .Because I had hope I now have a choice to pick .My retribution to you and my resolution to your disease is in the choices I have made today .I choose love over hate knowledge over ignorance integration over isolation compassion over apathy construction over destruction and understanding over force .Just as you did not care if you survived as long as you created terror I too don’t care what becomes of you as long as I supplant this terror. In my last words to you I want you to know that even though you have been successful in victimizing an entire country you have failed because I along with millions of others will hold a kindled flame of hope .Just like only one of you could victimize an entire country it will take only one of us to destroy your disease, …but I am not alone the youth of India the frontier of the largest democracy on this planet is waking up .If its terror that has created you it is our humanity that will give you salvation. You will be given a fair trial by the very same country that you victimized,the taxes of the same people you so brutally killed will afford you a lawyer for your defense. You will be tried by an unbiased judge and in a impartial court and you will receive justice though you deserve none .This is the fuel of my hope ,this is the sanctity of my democracy this is the echelon of my people and this is the beauty of my country India .